Expected May, 2024


Karcsi, 5 years

Dévaj 1976 Catch Me If You Can / Karcsi

Champ Supersonic – Dévaj 1976 Only You
Myostatin N/N, eyes VD, heart clear

Dóra, April 2024

Raceheart's MB Butterfree / Bellamy

Damien Rice Cinpress – Axrace’s Wake Up Call
Myostatin N/N, LTV1, SP0, VA0, HD B/B, eyes clear, heart clear

There’s so much to say about this lovely dog. First of all, she is my dream dog. I got her on a whim but it was love from the beginning. Bellamy is an intense dog (for a whippet) and she is not soft. Don’t get it wrong, she is a very kind girl, loves to cuddle and wants you to pet her at all times if possible, but she can also stare off another dog from the lure and she doesn’t back down if someone messes with her. She has got an intelligence and will-to-please that makes her fun and easy to train and she would never say no to any activity. At the same time she also occupies the couch in typical whippet style poses such as her legs in the air or curled up as a cinnamon bun.  I truly am lucky to have gotten such a great dog, to share my life with every single day, whatever I do and however I feel.

Read all about Bellamy on her page.
